A criminal, Jaswinder Singh, sustained a gunshot injury in the foot during an encounter with the police in Bathinda district on Monday. A criminal, Jaswinder Singh, being taken to the civil hospital at Talwandi Sabo after a gunshot wound in the foot after an encounter with the police near Jassal village in Bathinda district on Monday. His accomplice, Budhram, was …
The Punjab and Haryana high court on Friday allowed sacked DSP and 2013 drugs case kingpin Jagdish Bhola to attend bhog and other ceremonies in his mother’s remembrance under the watch of a special team of Punjab Police. The court has now directed the principal secretary, to constitute a special team with at least two IPS officers, including one female, …
Bathinda Military Station Firing Live Updates: Hello and welcome to ABP Live. Four Indian Army soldiers, belonging to an artillery unit, were killed in a firing incident at the Bathinda military station in Punjab on Wednesday morning. The Bathinda military station is the largest military base in Asia and home to the Indian Army’s headquarters 10 Corps. WATCH: UPDATES ON …