Ten-year-old Sara Sharif lost her life in a case that has left the public shocked. The 42-year-old father, along with his 30-year-old wife, Beinash Batool, and 29-year-old brother, Faisal Malik, has been charged with Sara’s murder. Sharif admitted to subjecting Sara to severe beatings over weeks, including the night of August 6 last year, when he confessed to badly assaulting …
The discovery of 10-year-old Sara Sharif's lifeless body at her residence in Horsell, Woking, on August 10, has prompted an investigation into her education circumstances. Pakistani police in the eastern province of Punjab are seeking to arrest a man in connection with the death of his 10-year-old daughter in the U.K. Sara Sharif was found dead at her home in …