Akshay Kumar, Govinda, and Paresh Rawal's Bhagam Bhag has been creating a buzz on social media. There are stories of me doing not just Bhagam Bhag 2, but many other sequels, including Partner.” On being asked whether he would like to be a part of it, the actor shared that his decision will depend on various factors. If I do …
The producers of Bhagam Bhag opened up on making a sequel to the film after 18 years. In the middle of all the speculations, the producers confirmed that they are making Bhagam Bhag 2 and the film is currently in its scripting stage. The rights for the sequel were recently acquired from Shemaroo Entertainment by Sarita Ashwin Varde of Roaring …
New Delhi: Not only does Akshay Kumar have a busy schedule ahead of him, but he also has a number of projects in the works, including ‘Housefull 5’. According to Pinkvilla, Akshay Kumar is reportedly working on a sequel of ‘Bhagam Bhag’ that would be named ‘Bhagam Bhag 2’. According to the source, “Akshay Kumar is now gearing up to …
When one hears Akshay Kumar’s name now, they might instantly recall most of his films with social messages or some out-and-out action thrillers. However, it is almost impossible that you have not bumped into Akshay Kumar starrer comedy flicks, but in case you have missed them, you are in for a treat. Hera Pheri When it comes to the best …