Delhi Police Economic Offences Wing has arrested a family member of BharatPe co-founder Ashneer Grover in connection with the alleged misappropriation of funds with the fintech company, police officials said on Friday, September 20, 2024. “Deepak Gupta, who is a brother-in-law of Mr. Grover, was arrested on Friday,” they said. Gupta was named in the FIR which was registered against …
Highlights Fintech startup BharatPe has posted record growth in the fiscal year ended Mar 31 It is on track to break even & list on stock exchanges in next 18-24 months, CEO Suhail Sameer said Priority is firm's employees so that they stay focused and teams remain stable: BharatPe CEO Putting behind the controversy around its co-founder Ashneer Grover, fintech …
Ever since Shark Tank India first appeared on the television screens at our homes, Ashneer Grover has been one of the most interesting faces on the show. When On2Cook’s founder Sanandhan Sharma started his product pitch on the show, Ashneer’s jokes were as innovative as Sanandhan’s smart cooking solutions. Directed by Ramesh Sippy, the movie featured Amitabh Bachchan and Shashi …
Fintech company BharatPe on 20 January said it has raised Rs 50 crore in debt from venture debt firm Trifecta Capital. The fact that we have been able to raise debt from all three renowned venture debt providers Alteria, Innoven and Trifecta Capital - in the largest single raise is a testimony of the scalability of our business model,” BharatPe …
Digital payments facilitator for small merchants and local kiranas, BharatPe has created an employee stock options pool worth around $20 million and is looking to hire 10 executives to lead its business verticals who will be given out shares from this pool. “My aim is to attract top-level talent from the industry across sectors like commerce, financial services and FMCG, …