The Delhi High Court on Friday restrained the Former Managing Director of BharatPe, Ashneer Grover, from making defamatory and derogatory statements against the fintech company or its office bearers or officials. The court also directed Economics Times to take down its article published recently based on Ashneer Grover's letters written to the RBI Chairman. BharatPe moved a fresh application alleging …
The Delhi high court on Tuesday fined BharatPe co-founder Ashneer Grover ₹2 lakh for violating its order and posting defamatory content against the fintech company, saying it was appalled by the persistent blatant violation. It disposed of Bharat Pe’s plea seeking to restrain Grover from posting defamatory content on social media by directing Grover to deposit the fine within a …
US-based Entrepreneur magazine has told the Delhi High Court that it will remove all its publications relating to an article or cover story containing the allegedly defamatory statements made by former BharatPe Managing Director Ashneer Grover against the fintech company. The undertaking was given by Entrepreneur magazine before Justice Jyoti Singh on July 14 in a defamation suit filed by …
Delhi HC on Thursday refused to stay the investigation against Ashneer Grover and Madhuri Jain Grover in the FIR registered by Delhi Police based on a complaint by BharatPe, the company which has alleged that Grover and his wife were involved in a fraud amounting to ₹81 crore, according to a report published by Bar and Bench. The Economic Offences …
: The Delhi High Court on Thursday issued summons to BharatPe’s former managing director Ashneer Grover and his wife on a suit filed by the company seeking to restrain them from making defamatory statements against the fintech firm. The High Court gave Mr. Grover, his wife Madhuri Jain and others two weeks to submit replies to the plea filed by …