Bhargav Saikia’s directorial debut feature Bokshi, a folk horror fantasy shot in the deep forests of Sikkim in Northeast India, will have its World Premiere at the prestigious International Film Festival Rotterdam 2025. Ahead of the world premiere, director Bhargav Saikia sat down for a chat with Hindustan Times where he opened up about the journey of finding the germ …
New Delhi, Bhargav Saikia's directorial debut feature "Bokshi", a folk horror fantasy shot in the deep forests of Sikkim in Northeast India, will have its world premiere at the prestigious International Film Festival Rotterdam 2025. Bhargav Saikia's debut film 'Bokshi' to have its world premiere at IFFR The film is selected in the Harbour section which is named after Rotterdam’s …
Even before we could begin to learn to process grief, the pandemic demanded we learn of the several ways one could lose their loved ones. In her latest feature, Tora’s Husband, filmmaker Rima Das paints a delicate and layered image of a family crumbling under the weight of what the pandemic left behind. Tora’s Husband Director: Rima Das Cast: Tarali …
Filmmaker Bhargav Saikia, best known for his Tom Alter-starrer short film "The Black Cat", is making his directorial debut with horror fantasy movie "Bokshi". "The Black Cat", also featuring Shernaz Patel, was an adaptation of author Ruskin Bond's short story. "As a filmmaker, my predominant interest lies in horror and fantasy fiction – Bokshi will give me the ideal opportunity …