hyderabad In a move to take the ruling Bharat Rashtra Samithi in Telangana head-on, All India Congress Committee president Mallikarjun Kharge on Sunday announced ₹15,000 per acre per year benefit to both landholding and tenant farmers, ₹12,000 per year to farm workers and ₹500 per quintal bonus to paddy in addition to minimum support price. Naming the party’s guarantee to …
The Telangana police on Sunday resorted to baton charge to disperse BJP workers after they attacked sheds on a disputed land in Suryapet district. The incident occurred during BJP state president Bandi Sanjay's 'Girijan Bharosa Yatra'. When police tried to stop the BJP activists, they resorted to stone pelting injuring four police officers. Sanjay said BJP will allow KCR led …