Live blog Guhagar, Maharashtra Assembly Election Results 2024 Highlights: SHS 's Jadhav Bhaskar Bhaurao with 71241 defeats SHS's Bendal Rajesh Ramchandra Guhagar Election Results 2024 Live: SHS 's Jadhav Bhaskar Bhaurao has emerged victorious with 71241 votes. Guhagar, Maharashtra Assembly Election Results 2024 34 SHS 's Jadhav Bhaskar Bhaurao with 71241 defeats SHS's Bendal Rajesh Ramchandra After a long see-saw …
When a conversation between five prominent Muslims and RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat has generated a debate, a 1990 interview with RSS ideologue Bhaurao Deoras may shed further light. After her 1984 assassination, the unprecedented three-fourth majority with which Rajiv Gandhi returned to power was not seen as a sympathy vote, but as “Hindu consolidation”. Rajiv Gandhi first “appeased” Muslims by …
The Madhya Pradesh government's removing the ban on RSS membership for its employees violates the Constitution. Behere, Deputy Charity Commissioner, held that the RSS was not liable to registration as its objects "are akin to political objects, as distinguished from religious or charitable objects". It is akin to political purposes though RSS is not at present a political party inasmuch …