The Karnataka High Court on Thursday relaxed a condition imposed in the anticipatory bail order of Bhavani Revanna, and permitted her to enter her native districts of Mysuru and Hassan for 15 days. In its order dated June 7, the court had while granting interim anticipatory bail to Bhavani in connection with a kidnapping case, had directed her not to …
The Supreme Court on Wednesday issued a notice to Bhavani Revanna, mother of Prajwal Revanna, after hearing an appeal filed by the Karnataka Special Investigation Team challenging the High Court's order granting anticipatory bail to her. Senior advocate Kapil Sibal, appearing for the Karnataka SIT, told the two-judge bench of the top court, led by Justice Surya Kant and Justice …
NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Wednesday refused to set aside the anticipatory bail granted to Bhavani Revanna, the mother of suspended JD MP and rape accused Prajwal Revanna, in a kidnapping case involving one of the victims of her son's alleged sexual assaults. A bench of Justices Surya Kant and Ujjal Bhuyan issued notice to Revanna on the appeal …
Hours after obtaining an interim bail order from the High Court, Bhavani Revanna, wife of H.D. The SIT suspects that Ms. Bhavani plotted the abduction of a woman, who is in her 60s, in Mysuru who later accused Mr. Prajwal of rape and sexual assault. SIT officials had also detained Ms. Bhavani’s car driver to question him about her whereabouts …
BENGALURU: Keeping in abeyance the non-bailable warrant issued against Bhavani Revanna, who is facing the charges for allegedly kidnapping a victim of a sexual assault allegedly involving her son, former MP Prajwal Revanna. Justice Krishna S Dixit passed the interim order keeping the NBW in abeyance after the assurance given by the senior counsel Sandesh Chouta that Bhavani Revanna will …