Suraj Pal, known to his followers as “Bhole Baba” or Narayan Hari Sakar, spoke to the organisers of the ‘satsang’ he hosted in Hathras district of Uttar Pradesh earlier this week four times, after the haphazardly organised event resulted in a deadly stampede and left 121 people dead, police officers familiar with the probe said on Friday, without providing details …
A closed-circuit television footage has emerged showing a convoy of self-styled preacher Baba Narayan Hari alias Saakar Vishwa Hari 'Bhole Baba' leaving the village where a stampede killed 121 people, mostly women devotees, PTI reported. The footage shows several volunteers, also known as ‘Sevak’, standing on both sides of the road as Bhole Baba's convoy crosses The footage shared by …
The Uttar Pradesh police on Thursday said that six people have been arrested so far, including two females and four males, in connection with the tragic Hathras stampede which claimed the lives of 121 people. Hathras stampede: Inspector General Shalabh Mathur said temporary permission was sought and given for the ‘satsang’ at the venue in a Hathras village The police …
Though the satsang in Hathras was organised after permission for it was granted, the crowd was more than permitted and an FIR has been registered against the organisers, said inspector general of police Shalabh Mathur. “A two-member committee comprising ADG Agra Zone Anupam Kulshrestha and Aligarh divisional commissioner Chaitra V will conduct a probe and submit a report within 24 …