HYDERABAD: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will perform bhoomi puja for projects coming up in the state worth Rs 11,355 crore during his visit to Hyderabad on April 8, including a major upgrade of the Secunderabad railway station. Modi will perform bhoomi puja for development works to be undertaken towards the redevelopment and modernisation of Secunderabad station, Kishan Reddy said. Kishan …
The ‘Bhoomi Puja’ ceremony for the Ram Temple in Ayodhya, which was tentatively scheduled for April 30, has been deferred in view of the lockdown over coronavirus. According to Indian Express report, sources close to Shree Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust said the ‘Bhoomi Puja’ will be postponed for now and the new date for the auspicious occasion will be …