A group of Banaras Hindu University students has been protesting against the appointment of Firoze Khan in the Sanskrit Vidya Dharma Vigyan in the BHU for over two weeks now. The BHU had announced on Thursday that classes at the Sanskrit Vidya Dharma Vigyan's literature department would resume, indicating that the stir against the appointment of assistant professor Firoze Khan …
Students at the Sanskrit Vidya Dharma Vigyan in Banaras Hindu University have been protesting over the appointment of a Muslim professor, Dr Firoz Khan, at the institution. Those who do not have any connection to Hindu Sanatan traditions, Yagnas and Jyotish.” Ojha further explained that ‘Sanskrit Vidya Dharma Vigyan’ is the full name of the stream. While it’s true that …
‘Pandit Krishnakant Chaturvedi will soon teach Islam, Shariat and Islamic studies…’ What happened? Recently, in Banaras Hindu University ’s Sanskrit Vidya Dharma Vigyan stream, a Muslim professor Dr Firoz Khan was appointed as an assistant professor. One Shashikant Mishra, a student in SVDV stream in BHU told OpIndia that their protest is against appointment of a non-Hindu in ‘Dharma Vigyan’ …