On October 6, a video of Hindus offering prayers at the Mahmood Gewan Madarsa, Bidar, Karnataka, went viral on social media. The local Hindus never stopped their tradition of performing puja every year.” This Madrasa was once a Hindu temple. Mahmood Gewan Madarsa in Bidar in Karnataka was originally a Hindu temple which was destroyed by Mahmood Shah Ferishta says …
In the Bidar district of Karnataka, 9 Hindus were booked by the police for merely entering a Mosque and offering prayers. One such cartoon by Manjul posted on FirstPost said that nobody could be sure if the Muslim men had been arrested for offering Namaz in a temple or “spreading love and communal harmony”. Police have booked four people after …
The police in Karnataka's Bidar booked nine people on Thursday for allegedly entering the grounds of Mahmood Gewan Madarsa and Mosque and raising slogans. The police action came following outrage over videos shared on social media that showed a mob entering the grounds of the mosque, which is a heritage site under the Archeological Survey of India. Superintendent of Police …
In a show of peace and brotherhood, Hindus and Muslims celebrated the Ashtur jathra in Bidar together. This comes at the backdrop of Muslim traders being banned from Hindu temple premises in annual fairs in various parts of Karnataka amid the ongoing hijab row. The fair in Bidar is held in association with both communities as Hindus worship Allama Prabhu …