Actor Vijay has been in the news for the Income-Tax raid that was going on at his residence in Panaiyur for nearly 35 hours. During the raid, Vijay's salary for the film came into the debate which is why the I-T sleuths raided his house. This is Thalapathy Vijay at his best! George Vijay February 7, 2020 In the I-T …
Thalapathy Vijay's upcoming flick, Bigil, is all set for a grand release on Diwali, this October. Verithanam marks the first collaboration of composer AR Rahman and actor Vijay. Even though the two teamed up for Azhagiya Thamizh Magan, Vijay didn't lend his voice for a song in the album. The motivational song turned out to be a major hit among …
Thalapathy Vijay, after a small break from the shooting of Bigil, has joined the team once again. Soon, news about Vijay shooting in Red Hills reached the ears of his fans. Here are the videos from the shooting spot: #ThalapathyVijay Respects his fans from the spot of #Bigil shoot, happening now in the outer ring road of Redhills. Every #Vijay …