Ahead of the Bihar Assembly Elections 2020, Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will launch BJP's manifesto for upcoming polls in Patna on October 22. Bihar Election 2020 for 243 Assembly seats will be held in three phases — for 71 seats on October 28, for 94 seats on November 3, and remaining 78 on November 7. The BJP is contesting …
The National Democratic Alliance in Bihar has reportedly reached a seat-sharing formula for the Bihar Election 2020 after several days of hectic talks between the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Janata Dal leaders. According to sources, Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar's JDU and the BJP have reached an almost even seat-sharing agreement. According to the agreement, JDU will be giving …
The Election Commission of India has announced the schedule and the dates for the Bihar Election 2020. Bihar Election 2020 will be held in three phases from October 28 to November 7 and the votes polled in the state assembly polls will be counted on November 10. Phase I: Polling will be held in 71 Assembly constituencies in 16 districts …