Actor Bikramjeet Kanwarpal, a popular character actor in films and television, passed away on Friday due to Covid-19 complications. Filmmaker Ashoke Pandit mourned the loss of the actor, tweeting, “Sad to hear about the demise of actor Major Bikramjeet Kanwarpal this morning due to #Covid. Heartfelt condolences to his family & near ones.” Bollywood photographer Viral Bhayani also dedicated a …
Actor Bikramjeet Kanwarpal has died of Covid-19 complications. He wrote, “Sad to hear about the demise of actor Major Bikramjeet Kanwarpal this morning due to #Covid. A retired army officer, Kanwarpal had played supporting roles in many films and television serials. Bikramjeet was seen in series such as Special Ops, Illegal - Justice, Out of Order and Aapkey Kamrey Mein …