Former Finance Secretary SC Garg said on Wednesday that the RBI transferred only 44 per cent of its surplus or income to the government, which is the lowest in percentage terms in the last seven years. Earlier this month, the RBI board approved a surplus transfer of Rs 57,128 crore to the central government for Accounting Year 2019-20. In August …
The Reserve Bank of India on Monday approved a record ₹1.76 lakh crore payout to the government, which is more than double the ₹68,000 crore that it provided the previous year. The ₹1.76 lakh crore transfer to the government includes ₹1.23 lakh crore as dividend to the government and ₹52,637 crore from its surplus capital. "Revaluation balances are highly volatile, …
The Reserve Bank of India has decided to transfer an amount of ₹1,76,051 crore to the Government of India. The central bank took this decision by accepting the recommendations of Bimal Jalan Committee on surplus transfer to the government. The ₹1.76 lakh crore to be transferred consists of ₹1,23,414 crore of surplus for the year 2018-19 and ₹52,637 crore of …
The government and the RBI, during the tenure of the previous governor Urjit Patel, had been at loggerheads over the surplus capital with the central bank. New Delhi: The Bimal Jalan panel may get more time to finalise its report on excess capital transfer from the Reserve Bank of India to the government as Subhash Chandra Garg has been moved …
A high-level panel looking into appropriate capital reserves the RBI should maintain will hold at least two more meetings before finalising the report, former Reserve Bank governor Bimal Jalan, who is heading the committee, said New Delhi: A high-level panel looking into appropriate capital reserves the RBI should maintain will hold at least two more meetings before finalising the report, …