The Bhartiya Kisan Parishad, along with several other farmer organizations such as the Kisan Mazdoor Morcha and the Samyukt Kisan Morcha, have announced that they will be marching towards Delhi on Monday to demand compensation and benefits under the new agricultural laws. Farmers' protest: Key Traffic Changes and Diversions Restrictions on Heavy Vehicles: All goods vehicles will be prohibited from …
New Delhi: The Gautam Buddh Nagar Police on Thursday announced the enforcement of restrictions under CrPC Section 144, including a prohibition on unauthorised public gatherings, across the district in anticipation of the Bharat Bandh called by farmers' unions on Friday, as reported by news agency PTI. Authorities also advised commuters travelling to and from Delhi to be mindful of traffic …
In view of the Bharat Bandh called by farmers' unions on Friday, the Gautam Buddh Nagar Police on Thursday said restrictions under CrPC Section 144, including a ban on unauthorized public assemblies, would be enforced across the district, reported news agency PTI. Earlier, the Bharatiya Kisan Union, part of SKM, had called for a Bharat Bandh on February 16 -- …