The breach in the OBC-Dalit rainbow coalition in the 2024 Lok Sabha election has been the focus of the Bharatiya Janata Party while inducting ministers from Uttar Pradesh in the Modi 3.0 government. The MPs belonging to OBC-Dalit communities are Pankaj Chaudhary, BL Verma, SP Singh Baghel, Anupriya Patel, Jayant Chaudhary and Kamlesh Paswan, who have hold over the respective …
In a big cabinet reshuffle by PM Modi today, Harsh Vardhan has been moved out of the health ministry and Mansukh Mandaviya has been given charge of the portfolio now. 4 MPs from West Bengal take oath as Union ministers in the new Cabinet: Nisith Pramanik John Barla Subhas Sarkar Shantanu Thakur Modi cabinet rejig: Here's the full list of …