Karnataka Hassan MP Prajwal Revanna accused in sexual harassment and abduction case has been issued a blue corner notice to bring him back after he fled to Germany following the investigation into the scandal. The Blue Notice is issued to “collect additional information about a person’s identity, location or activities in relation to a crime.” The Central Bureau of Investigation …
Janata Dal legislator HD Revanna was remanded in police custody for three days by a city court, and a ‘Blue Notice’ was issued against his son, parliamentarian Prajwal Revanna, on Sunday over abduction and sexual assault charges, people aware of the matter said. Karnataka home minister Parameshwara on Sunday that a ‘Blue Notice’ has been issued against Prajwal The Holenarasipur …
The story so far: The International Criminal Police Organisation, more commonly known as Interpol, comprising 194 member countries, plays a crucial role as an information-sharing network to enable national police forces to combat transnational crimes. Concerns have been raised about the misuse of Interpol’s notice system, especially the issuance of blue corner notices, which are less scrutinised than their red …