Water pressure in the Great Artesian Basin is recovering as more bores are capped, according to new research unveiled by the University of Queensland. Key points: Uncontrolled water flow from bores and open earth bore drains reduced water pressure In recent times, better management of bores has led to recovery in pressure The Great Artesian Basin covers almost 1.7million kilometres …
As the controversial New Acland Mine near Toowoomba continues shedding 150 of its workers, an expert report commissioned by a group of landholders has raised questions about the coal mine's impact on groundwater. Key points: Queensland's DNRME report in 2017 found aquifers near Kulpi were not directly connected to those near the New Acland Mine A new review says it …
The Queensland environment department has launched an investigation into a series of groundwater bores drilled by Indian miner Adani, which conservationists say were sunk without approval. Key points: Adani told the ABC it was abiding by the conditions of the Carmichael project's approvals Conservationists have repeatedly warned that the company's dewatering plans would see groundwater levels plummet The Queensland Environmental …