The Chikkodi Police crime squad, which cracked the murder case of Jain monk Kaamakumar Nandi of Aacharya Kaamakumar Nandi Aashram in Hirekodi village of Karnataka’s Belagavi district, took at least 12 more people into custody for questioning on Sunday, officials said. The Chikkodi Police crime squad cracked the murder case of Jain monk Kaamakumar Nandi in Hirekodi village “Although both …
The tallest mountain in Hyderabad is no longer Golconda or the KBR Park Ridge. Before 2005, the waste generated by the erstwhile Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad used to be dumped at the 47-acre Autonagar dumpyard. Then the court ordered the site to be moved, and that’s when the municipal waste began to be dumped at Jawaharnagar,” says Anant Maringanti of …
Prahlad, the 5-year-old boy, who fell into a 200-feet deep borewell on November 4 in Niwari of Madhya Pradesh, could not be saved even after a marathon rescue operation that lasted for about 90 hours. Collector Ashish Bhargava said Prahlad was stuck at a depth of 60-feet in the 200-feet deep borewell and showed no movement for the past three …