Bharat Rashtra Samithi chief K Chandrasekhar Rao announced on Sunday two new schemes, besides modifying the existing ones, as part of party’s manifesto for the Telangana assembly elections on November 30. The new KCR Bima scheme will provide life insurance of Rs 5 lakh to the Below Poverty Line families holding white ration cards. BRS promises to increase it to …
The Congress, which will form the Karnataka government on Saturday, will in all likelihood announce the implementation of the five “guarantees” it had promised to voters in its poll manifesto, in its first Cabinet meeting. Shivakumar, who will be sworn in as the Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister, respectively, have said on many occasions that the Congress government’s first …
Between January and April 2023, Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Karnataka over 10 times. Speaking of the “Modi Factor”, the Central government recently provided Rs 5,300 crore for the Upper Bhadra scheme, and Rs 5000 crore for the Upper Krishna scheme and also resolved the Mahadayi issue. Among the significant achievements of the double engine BJP government in Karnataka are: …