Barbie, introduced by Mattel in 1959, has been a beloved companion to millions of children across the world. The iconic doll’s creator has now taken a significant step towards inclusivity by introducing its first-ever blind Barbie doll that comes in braille packaging. “In partnership with AFB, Barbie proudly introduces the first Blind Barbie Fashionista doll, developed to authentically represent blind …
US toymaker Mattel has introduced its first-ever blind Barbie. To accurately represent individuals with blindness or low vision and to maintain the doll’s accessibility, her eye gaze is directed “slightly upwards and outward.” To enable children with limited vision or blindness to feel the clothes on this Barbie doll, Mattel has included textured clothing with the doll. Additionally, Barbie has …
Introduced by Mattel in 1959, Barbie has been a cherished toy for millions of children globally. The iconic doll's creator has now made a notable stride towards inclusivity by launching its first-ever blind Barbie doll, packaged with braille. In collaboration with the American Foundation for the Blind, Mattel meticulously designed every aspect of the doll, from its appearance to its …