US toymaker Mattel has introduced its first-ever blind Barbie. To accurately represent individuals with blindness or low vision and to maintain the doll’s accessibility, her eye gaze is directed “slightly upwards and outward.” To enable children with limited vision or blindness to feel the clothes on this Barbie doll, Mattel has included textured clothing with the doll. Additionally, Barbie has …
A Braille book at the library. All calls and messages come from visually impaired people or their families seeking that most essential of societal needs-access to knowledge. Zhang Junjun, a member of a team developing software to help visually impaired people read at the Braille Library of China, codes using a computer and a screen-reading program. The mailing service has …
World Braille Day is observed every year on January 4th to raise awareness about how Braille plays a significant role in the complete realization of human rights in the lives of blind and partially sighted people. On Monday's #WorldBrailleDay, see how braille helps blind and partially-sighted people realize their full human rights. — United Nations January 4, 2021 …