On Durga Ashtami, Anushka Sharma shared an adorable picture with her daughter Vamika and wrote that she makes her 'braver and more courageous every day'. ANUSHKA SHARMA CELEBRATES ASHTAMI WITH VAMIKA Anushka is busy with back-to-back endorsement shoots these days. Anushka took a break from her shooting schedule to spend Durga Ashtami with Vamika. The actress's production company, Clean Slate …
New Zealand defeated India in the first semifinal of the 2019 World Cup at Old Trafford in Manchester. Virat Kohli talked to Simon Doull after the game, and stressed that New Zealand deserved to go through to the final. “We thought we had restricted New Zealand to a chase-able score on any surface but the way they come out with …
Virat Kohli doffed his hat to New Zealand after India lost a thrilling semi-final at Old Trafford on Wednesday to be knocked out of the 2019 Cricket World Cup. We thought we had restricted New Zealand to a chaseable score but the way they come out with the ball was what made the difference," Virat Kohli said at the post …
Virat Kohli refused to offer any excuses after India lost their first bilateral ODI series at home since October 2015. They were brave in pressure situations compared to our game, especially in the last 3 games, the way they handled the pressure, they really deserved to win," Kohli said at the post-match presentation ceremony. INDIA VS AUSTRALIA 5TH ODI: REPORT …