Defender Jyoti Singh was on Monday named the captain of the Indian Junior Women’s team by Hockey India, with midfielder Sakshi Rana as her deputy in a 22-member squad which will tour Europe from May 21 to 29. India will play six matches across three nations against Belgium, Germany and two club teams in the Netherlands -- Bredase Hockey Vereniging …
Defender Rohit has been named captain of the Indian junior men’s hockey team, with Shardanand Tiwari as his deputy in a 20-member squad which will tour Europe from May 20-29. India will play five matches across three nations -- Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands -- during the tour, as part of Hockey India’s initiative to help the team gain exposure …
It was not by fluke but by meticulous planning and clinical execution that the men’s recurve archery team overcame all odds to make the World Championship final for only the second time since 2005. Despite being woefully short on exposure, including missing out the season-opening World Cup Stage I in Medellin in April, the Indian men’s recurve team, who last …