New Delhi: The Delhi Police’s crime branch has arrested seven members of the Kapil Sangwan alias Nandu gang, allegedly involved in a triple murder case in Panchkula, Haryana, last month, from a house in Burari, north Delhi, officers said on Sunday. Police said Deshant is one of the gang’s recruiters and hired Jitesh, Suraj, and Anil by luring them with …
Delhi: Waterlogging played spoilsport for a Delhi government event which was going to witness school students form the layout of the "world's largest tricolour", with the BJP and Congress attacking Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal over the arrangements. Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had announced last week that thousands of children would come together seeking to create a world record of making …
The fitness test of auto-rickshaws and taxis is expected to get easier and less time-consuming as the Delhi government’s transport department will set up 10 automated inspection and certification lanes at its Burari facility, officials said on Sunday. After mooting the proposal seven years ago, the department has now floated a tender for setting up the automated lanes at its …
The house in northwest Delhi's Burari, where 11 members of a family committed suicide in July 2018, has got a new name as it now houses a diagnostic lab on the ground floor, while the current tenants have not felt any "unusual experience" related to history of the house. Following the mass suicide, the inhabitants of Sant Nagar locality in …