The City Civil and Sessions court in Mumbai rejected bail pleas filed by three doctors who allegedly were responsible in abetting Payal Tadvi's suicide. Ankita Khandelwal, Hema Ahuja and Bhakti Mehare are third-year resident doctors at BYL Nair hospital and they allegedly tormented Tadvi about her tribe. Special Public Prosecutor Raja Thakare argued on behalf of the crime branch, Advocate …
A five-member team of the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes is in Mumbai to meet top government officials and the management of the BYL Nair Hospital regarding the Payal Tadvi suicide case. The team, led by NCST Chairman Nand Kumar Sai, will hold meetings with top administration and police officials, including the Maharashtra chief secretary, secretary and the Mumbai police …
Amidst the ongoing internal investigation in the case of suicide by a post-graduate student Dr Payal Tadvi on 22 May, the BYL Nair Hospital on Tuesday suspended the head of its gynaecology department Dr Yi Ching Ling until further notice. Mumbai: Amidst the ongoing internal investigation in the case of suicide by a post-graduate student Dr Payal Salman Tadvi on …