FUJIFILM India has introduced the new "X-S20," a new addition to its X Series of mirrorless digital cameras which has been priced at Rs 118,999. Image Source : FUJIFILM FUJIFILM X-S20 The new camera comes with a compact size, lightweight body, and exceptional image quality. Image Source : FUJIFILM FUJIFILM X-S20 The FUJIFILM X-S20 caters to a wide range of …
Japanese photography and imaging major Fujifilm on Monday launched X-T4, the latest addition to its flagship X series range of mirrorless digital cameras, in India at a starting price of Rs 154,999. Unveiled virtually on the company's YouTube channel amid Covid-19 restrictions, X-T4 is the first model in the X-T Series to feature in-body image stabilisation, boosting the potential of …