Few weeks ago, Sachin Tendulkar shared a photo of him, Yuvraj Singh and Anil Kumble on his Instagram with the caption, "Our Dil Chahta Hai moment in Goa!" Jumping into the conversation, the KKR used a dialogue from the Bollywood movie 'Dil Chahta Hai' saying, "Ya toh dosti gehri hai, ya ye photo 3D hai". Buy and sell used car …
Sachin Tendulkar is one of the most active celebrities on social media and his Instagram account is a goldmine of posts that go viral in no time and also end up putting a smile on your face. The trio recreated the Dil Chahta Hai moment in Goa. For the unversed, Dil Chahta Hai is a film starring Aamir Khan, Saif …
The war of words between singer Mika Singh and KRK does not seem to end soon. After Mika Singh announced yesterday that he is going to release the diss song on June 11, actor-turned-critic Kamaal R. Khan, or KRK took to his Twitter and challenged the singer. Hours later KRK tweeted without naming anyone, "Itna Bhaunkta Kyon hai, Agar Aukaat …
If he applied for a job, his CV would be dizzying. But I wasn’t prepared for it because I never thought beyond my first film at all, so I struggled for a long time figuring out what I should do next and that’s when I met with dad, he was asking me what are your thoughts and he had just …
Ajay Devgn and Rakhul Preet Singh have been making a lot of noise among the audience ever since the trailer of their upcoming Bollywood film De De Pyaar De hit the internet. From Amitabh Bachchan and Jiah Khan in the film Nishabd to Akshaye Khanna and Dimple Kapadia in Dil Chahta Hai, Bollywood has forever been in love with surprising …