You have seen Cheriyal art on walls, wall hangings and canvas. Artists Rakesh and brother Vinay Nakash Dhanalakota, along with their friend Subhajit Saha, a GI and IP practitioner, have come up with handpainted tshirts with Cheriyal art. Rakesh’s is one of the families working to keep the tradition of Cheriyal art alive. Striving to keep alive the tradition of …
“A slice of Cheriyal is in Rashtrapati Nilayam,” says artist Dhanalakota Saikiran as he walks us through the 163-foot kitchen tunnel at Rashatrapati Nilayam in Hyderabad. A covered corridor connecting the kitchen and dining hall, is now resplendent with murals, masks, and animal heads in the Telangana folk art form of Cheriyal. Our art has embellished the walls of Rashtrapati …