Actor Ananya Panday will see her second film, Pati Patni Aur Woh release on December 6. In an interview to Mumbai Mirror, she revealed that couldn’t have dealt with a Chintu Tyagi kind of a character, either as a boyfriend or as husband, in real life. Pati Patni aur Woh stars Ananya Panday, Kartik Aaryan and Bhumi Pednekar. I started …
Kartik Aaryan plays the role of Chintu Tyagi, a government servant who is married to Pednekar’s character but has eyes for a colleague, played by Panday. The trailer of modern day rendition of Sanjeev Kumar’s 1978 iconic comedy Pati, Patni Aur Woh was released earlier today. Starring Kartik Aaryan, Bhumi Pednekar and Ananya Panday in the lead roles, the film …
It seems that it is only work, work and work on Kartik Aaryan’s mind these days. The actor who just completed the shoot of Imtiaz Ali’s Love Aaj Kal 2 has now kickstarted the shooting of his next film which happens to be the remake of Pati, Patni Aur Woh. He will be seen sharing the screen space with actresses …