Qualcomm on Tuesday made a series of announcements that highlights the chipmaker’s pivot to generative AI. Now, we see hundreds of use cases, and I expect, as we get to 2024, to see at least thousands of use cases,” Qualcomm CEO Cristiano Amon said at the Snapdragon Summit 2023. Intel, for example, will start shipping its ‘Meteor Lake’ processors, the …
Apple’s ARM-based M1 chipset is creating benchmarks for the PC industry that is on its way to minimise the dominance of Intel-based chipset. According to Bloomberg News, Microsoft’s new ARM processors will soon be used to power the entire server network of Azure Cloud. Currently, Microsoft uses Intel chipsets for its Azure cloud services, as well as most of the …
Apple and Amazon have been trying to cut their dependence on the Intel chips that has long controlled most personal computers and larger server systems. In June, Amazon’s cloud computing business started marketing a new computing service based on its own Arm-based chips, telling customers that the service was both faster and cheaper by one-fifth than its Intel-based offerings. “Everyone’s …
Xiaomi has pulled the plug on its custom in-house chip project, which was developed by the Pinecone division. Xiaomi's first proprietary processor -- the Surge S1 -- made headlines back in 2017 as it pushed the Chinese handset maker into the elite group of tech companies like Samsung and Huawei that could develop their own processors. The latest information from …