Apple might be gunning for smaller chipsets to enhance the capabilities of future iPhones. New reports indicate that the company will possibly be going for 3nm chips that offer speed gains and better power efficiency than the existing chipsets for iPhones coming in the next years. The new chipsets will come in succession to the A15 processor set to feature …
Apple started the production of its next generation of Mac processors this month. Anticipated to be called the M2 chipsets, the new system-on-a-chip from Apple could begin shipping as early as July this year. The Apple M2 chipsets will come in succession to the M1 chips, which are now seen on Apple iPad Pro in addition to MacBooks. The report …
Apple reportedly dialed Intel's CEO at the time, Brian Krzanich, to ask the company to supply all modems needed for the iPhone instead of only half the volume. We were working toward doing that with Qualcomm, but in the end they would not support us or sell us chips," the report quoted William as saying. Mollenkopf on Friday had said …