Intel announced it will be launching the next generation of Core Ultra laptop chips, codenamed Lunar Lake, on September 3. The Lunar Lake processors from Intel are expected to come without swappable memory sticks, in favour of triple NPUs to run generative AI applications on the device. The processors are also expected to come with either 16 GB or 32 …
A group of researchers at the IISc have developed a new framework for analogue chipsets that would allow AI and ML-based applications to run much faster and in an efficient manner. Thanks to a new design framework that a group of researchers has developed at the Indian Institute of Science, or IISc, we now have an analogue chipset called ARYABHAT-1, …
The iOS 14, MacOS Big Sur, WatchOS 7 and other new software announced today will be available in first public beta starting July. Messages Messages on Mac will now let you share celebration animations, create memojis, more Apple Maps Apple Maps on macOS Big Sur will now let you create a guide right from the Mac. macOS Big Sur on …