Nimrti Kaur Ahluwalia struggled with mental health issues when she worked on her popular TV show Choti Sarrdaarni, the actor's mother has confirmed in a new interview. Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia rose to fame with Choti Sarrdaarni. “While playing the lead in the show Choti Sarrdaarni, she suffered from mental health issues and was diagnosed with chronic fatigue. She bounced back …
Actress Kratika Sengar, who will be joining the cast of Choti Sarrdaarni has finally put the rumours of replacing the lead Nimrit Kaur to rest and stated that she isn't replacing Nimrit. Talking about the same, Kratika told TOI, “I am not replacing Nimrit, but playing a new character. She has played the character so beautifully that I wouldn’t want …
Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic put a temporary hold on the entertainment industry, many shows have gone through a reshuffle in cast. Nimrit Kaur Ahuluwalia, who plays the lead character Meher Kaur Gill, is rumoured to be exiting the show. However, the show creators and actor’sclose sources present two very conflicting responses to these rumours. “Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia has already …
Choti Sardarni’s Meher aka actress Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia in one of the most beautiful actresses on small screen but did you know the TV actor was once bullied and fat shamed? Recalling her old days in college, where she faced bullies who fat-shamed her, the actress said: “In first year of my Law school I was bullied. It built up …