The Rajya Sabha on July 27 passed the Cinematograph Bill, 2023 that introduces stringent anti-piracy provisions, expanding the scope of the law from censorship to also cover copyright. The Bill proposes a jail term of up to three years and a fine up to 5% of a film’s production cost for persons who “use any audio-visual recording device in a …
The Shyam Benegal committee set up by the information and broadcasting ministry in 2016 to review the Cinematograph Act proposed that the Union home ministry should be able to seek re-examination of a film by the Central Board of Film Certification, according to a recent note submitted by the I&B ministry to the parliamentary committee on information and technology. In …
The Centre’s draft Cinematograph Bill has brought differing views and opinions from the film industry. Director Shyam Benegal feels that it’s about following the constitution and protecting India’s sovereignty. In June, the Centre released a draft proposing to amend the Cinematograph Act of 1952 with provisions that will allow it to re-examine films that have been cleared by the Central …