During the current Transport Union strike in Tamil Nadu, A Soundararajan, the State President of the Centre of Indian Trade Union, responded to Minister Sivasankar's claim of 'political moves' in the strike. Soundararajan questioned the minister's decision to hold talks while stating that many buses were still operating. As the Transport Union strike continues for the second consecutive day in …
The Centre has de-recognised the All India Postal Employees Union and the National Federation of Postal Employees for making contributions to the farmers’ protests and the Centre of Indian Trade Unions, as well as for buying books from the CPI office in Delhi. The order of de-recognition, signed by Nahar Singh Meena, Assistant Director-General of Department of Posts, said allegations …
Central trade unions on March 28 began a two-day nationwide strike to protest against the Government’s alleged wrong policies that are affecting farmers, workers and people. — PTI Telangana Trade unions in Telangana raise unified voice against the Centre’s “anti-worker” policies Raising a unified voice against the Centre’s “anti-worker” policies, members of various trade unions staged sit-in demonstrations at multiple …
The two-day nationwide strike by the public sector bank unions ended on Tuesday, with disruption in services like cash withdrawals, deposits, cheque clearances, remittances and loan approvals hitting customers. The United Forum of Bank Unions, consisting of nine bank unions — AIBEA, AIBOC, NCBE, AIBOA, BEFI, INBEF, INBOC, NOBW and NOBO — had given the strike call to protest against …
The strike by 10 central trade unions evoked a mixed response on Tuesday as five states, including Kerala, Odisha and Assam, witnessed complete bandh while sporadic incidents of violence were reported in West Bengal and Rajasthan. Image Source : PTI A deserted look of street and closed shops during the 48-hour-long nationwide general strike called by central trade unions protesting …