CIUDAD DE MÉXICO — Miles de mexicanos provenientes de diferentes puntos del país se congregaron el jueves en la Basílica de Guadalupe para honrar a su Virgen en el 493 aniversario de su aparición en 1531. Peregrinos se reúnen afuera de la Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en una de las peregrinaciones religiosas más grandes del mundo que marca …
This article originally appeared in The Texas Tribune. it's not something that anyone should go through if they want to get legal status in the U.S.,” said Naimeh Salem, an immigration attorney in Houston who recently took González’s case. Why can’t we make it possible for them to become permanent residents?” Guadalupe González, her 66-year-old mother, said it weighs on …
When Yadira Ayala was a child, she walked along one of the many dirt paths on Cerro Loma Larga to her grandmother’s home. “La Colonia Independencia is the mother of all the neighborhoods in Monterrey,” Vázquez said. “There is a lot of cariño between people.” :: On the San Pedro side, luxury residential towers and gated communities are moving closer …