A few months ago, as a debate was heating up over whether to renew an FBI surveillance authority known as Section 702, I was looking for an unsealed court document from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. “Just check their Tumblr.” Sure enough, I found the document on the Tumblr in question: “IC on the Record,” a website “created at the …
CNN — US spy agencies were tracking the rise of the novel coronavirus as early as November, weeks before that information was included in President Donald Trump’s daily intelligence briefing, a former US military official told CNN. ‘I don’t know exactly’ ABC News reported earlier Wednesday that the National Center for Medical Intelligence, a branch of the Defense Intelligence Agency, …
It was only a matter of time before President Donald Trump started going after the intelligence agencies. Trump’s first director, Coats, had no such experience, aside from a brief stint on the Senate Intelligence Committee, but he had developed expertise on military issues. Among other things, the DNI gives the president his daily intelligence briefing, and in those reports, as …