Tejasswi Prakash’s brother Pratik Wayangankar took offence to comments made about her by Karan Kundrra’s brother-in-law Gaurav Malhotra. Replying to a Bigg Boss 15 viewer who said that Tejasswi was unfairly targeted even though she and Karan ‘both did bitching’, Gaurav said, “TP herself claimed that sometimes she forgets that the cameras are there so kabhi kabhi uska asli roop …
Bigg Boss OTT premiered on August 8 and the Day 1 was full of drama and fights. AKSHARA SINGH CRIES AFTER MOOSE JATTANA'S HURTFUL COMMENTS Bigg Boss OTT, hosted by Karan Johar, saw Day 1 filled with fights. DIVYA AGARWAL AND PRATIK SEHAJPAL'S FIGHT INTENSIFIES Since the grand premiere of Bigg Boss OTT, Divya Agarwal and Pratik Sehajpal haven't seen …