THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Enforcement Directorate on Thursday arrested Bineesh Kodiyeri, son of Kerala CPM state secretary Kodiyeri Balakrishnan, in connection with a money laundering case and his alleged links and financial dealings with an accused in Bengaluru drug racket case. Bineesh has been questioned thrice by the central agency in connection with his alleged links with M Anoop who was arrested in …
Thiruvananthapuram: In an unprecedented move on Friday, KT Jaleel, a first-time minister in the Pinarayi Vijayan-led government in Kerala, was grilled by the Enforcement Directorate for about three hours regarding allegations of his links to the gold smuggling via the ‘diplomatic channel’ in Thiruvananthapuram Airport. Reason Behind CPM’s Stand The CPM central leadership conveyed the message to the state secretariat …
The CPM-led LDF government which has been entangled in a series of controversies over the recent gold smuggling case is now facing another trouble. Alleged links of Bineesh Kodiyeri, son of CPM state secretary Kodiyeri Balakrishnan with the Bengaluru drug racket has put the party in a fix. Mohammad Anoop, one of the masterminds of the celebrity drug supply racket …