The TDP-led government in Andhra Pradesh on Tuesday approved development works worth Rs 8,821.44 crore for the capital city of Amaravathi. He also said that the CRDA, at its previous meetings, approved works worth Rs 11,471 crore, which has now increased to Rs 20,292.46 crore following Tuesday's meeting. Pointing out that tenders had been called for works worth Rs 41,000 …
Amaravati: YSRCP's under construction central party office at Tadepalli was demolished based on a complaint lodged by a TDP leader that it was being allegedly built illegally on Irrigation Department land, said the party on Saturday. The complaint was lodged with the commissioners of the Capital Region Development Authority and Mangalagiri Tadepalli Municipal Corporation that the opposition party office was …
The YSRCP's under-construction central office in Tadepalli was demolished on Saturday early morning which led to Jagan Mohan Reddy accusing Chandrababu Naidu-led NDA state government of doing vendetta politics. The TDP state government has demolished the under-construction central office of the opposition party at Tadepalli in Guntur district. SRCP chief YS Jagan Mohan Reddy took to X and said, "Chandrababu …