In preparation for the upcoming inauguration of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has asked the National Security Agency to deploy India’s ground-breaking portable hospital, the ‘Aarogya Maitri Cube’, to handle health emergencies. Based on the concept of the Rubik’s Cube, Aarogya Maitri Cube is a National Security Coordination Secretariat -led inter-ministerial project under …
Ingredients: 1 block Firm Tofu 3 pcs Salted Egg Yolk : 1 pcs Egg 1/2 Tbsp Toasted White Sesame 1/2 Tbsp Toasted Black Sesame 30g Unsalted Butter 50g Corn Starch 400ml Cooking Oil 1/4 tsp Salt 1/4 tsp Light Brown Sugar Instructions: 1. Coat the tofu cubes with a thin layer of egg wash and then coat with corn starch. …
A food critic has taken the hassle out of Christmas catering by sharing simple tricks to cut time in the kitchen. Speaking on Nine's Good Food Christmas special, culinary correspondent Alice Zaslavsky revealed her favourite recipes and tips for easy party food, giving you more time with guests this festive season. Avoid hours in front of the barbecue by quickly …