Children from a Lucknow slum, who recreated Sabyasachi Mukherjee's bridal campaign, thanked the designer for his response with a heartfelt gesture: a Rubik's cube mural, showcased in their latest video. The children, guided by the non-profit organisation Innovation For Change, had recreated the fashion icon’s latest bridal collection, showcasing red bridal outfits made from donated clothes. In order to express …
Karwa Chauth is a celebration of love and devotion and calls for moments that are cherished throughout the day. Ingredients: 2 cups whole wheat flour 1 cup cooked and spiced Mexican beans 1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese 1/4 cup finely chopped bell peppers 1/4 cup chopped cilantro leaves Salt and chilli powder to taste Instructions: In a mixing bowl, combine …
A fermented bean curd that lends a deep savoriness Only in China can you taste dishes that are seasoned with intensely flavored cubes of fermented bean curd and these are delicious with both meat and vegetables. In front of every place were little dishes of fried peanuts, salted sweet radish strips and a tiny saucer with a cube of cream-colored …
“Bill and Coo at MOCA’s Nest,” a new outdoor installation by Los Angeles artist Larry Bell, was commissioned for the sculpture plaza at MOCA. The Bell piece is the perfect work to mark the museum’s plaza, Biesenbach says, as it references the ‘80s geometry so prominent in MOCA architect Arata Isozaki’s building exterior. “Larry Bell is an artist who’s represented …