Children from a Lucknow slum, who recreated Sabyasachi Mukherjee's bridal campaign, thanked the designer for his response with a heartfelt gesture: a Rubik's cube mural, showcased in their latest video. The children, guided by the non-profit organisation Innovation For Change, had recreated the fashion icon’s latest bridal collection, showcasing red bridal outfits made from donated clothes. In order to express …
An unsuspecting mall crowd watched in rapt attention as 13-year-old Sri Oviyasena gracefully twirled five hula hoops while deftly solving a randomly scrambled Rubik’s cube, all within the span of a minute. Many stopped in their tracks to see the two-time Guinness World Record holder’s unique showcase: her world records comprised a maximum of 288 gyrations in hula hoops and …