iPhone maker is expected to use the event to unveil its mixed reality headset After nearly eight years of development, Apple is expected to finally unveil its hotly-anticipated mixed reality headset this June. Apple's MR headset: Rumours Release: Q4 2023 Processors: - One 'higher-end' similar to the M1 or M2 - One lower-end to manage 'sensor-related aspects' Connectivity: Wi-Fi 6E …
Apple on Monday said it will put up $2.5 billion toward easing California’s housing crisis. Apple’s commitment Monday includes a $1 billion statewide fund creating an “open line of credit” for the state to build new homes for households with low to moderate incomes. “It’s a recognition that the San Francisco Bay Area is in a major housing crisis,” said …
Apple Inc. on Thursday said it will hold its annual conference for developers on June 3 to June 7 in San Jose, California. The Worldwide Developers Conference is where Apple typically announces major software updates. Apple also sometimes also announces new hardware but the possibility seems unlikely. The event will take place at the McEnery Convention Centre in San Jose …