In an extraordinary move, the Supreme Court on Friday allowed five civil service candidates who cleared the UPSC civil service main examinations held this year, but were disqualified for submitting the degree certificates after the cut-off date, to appear for the interview.A bench comprising Justices AM Khanwilkar and Sanjiv Khanna passed this direction as a "special case" considering the. In …
Update on July 16 : Supreme Court Permits 5 Civil Service Aspirants Who Cleared Mains But Were Disqualified For Submitting Degree Certificate Late To Attend UPSC Interview In an extraordinary move, the Supreme Court has decided to examine if the candidates who cleared the UPSC civil service examinations held this year but submitted their degree certificates after the cut-off date …
Today, a Bench headed by Justice AM Khanwilkar adjourned the hearing of the matter to next week, i.e. Furthermore, it is a "highly competitive exam, wherein inclusion of one candidate would automatically result in the exclusion of another candidate and as such, the eligibility conditions as per, the instructions in the Examination Rules/ "Conditions of eligibility cannot be relaxed for …