India’s medal rush continued on the 11th day of the ongoing Tokyo Paralympics with Manoj Sarkar winning bronze of the men’s singles badminton event on Saturday. Sarkar defeated Daisuke Fujihara 22-20, 21-13 in the bronze medal match at the Yoyogi National Stadium in a contest that lasted 47 minutes. Thanks to his bronze, India’s medal tally has now risen to …
The 33-year-old Bhagat, the current world No 1, secured a 21-11, 21-16 win over Japan’s Daisuke Fujihara in the first SL3 class semi-finals that lasted 36 minutes. Tokyo: The Indian troika of Pramod Bhagat, Suhas Yathiraj and Krishna Nagar sailed into the men’s singles finals of the badminton event in their respective classifications at the Tokyo Paralympics on Saturday. Bhagat, …